Padmaja Vikas Chavan
12 – B
My title suffers incompleteness
An Overbearing pride is evidenced:
An evidence of notability:
An evidence of inferiority –
On a brumous October morning
The trees appeared like hazy shapes
And that the landscape – a blurred outline
-Of the happenings
A force now desolates everything in my path
The eyes made an unspoken conversation
But forgot to involve a self-confession
And that it beats inside this labile mortal thing
And that there seems,
No scope in emulating
Against unequalled theorization.
And they make an overstatement
And fail to imitate their politeness
And now they stand,
Against a histrionic despair
Unaware of his herald of approach
Always foreshadowing my intentions:
Declamation with an expression of strong vehemence
And deception by creation
Of visually appealing ideas
And that the hatred –
To the naive observers
Appears a conjuration
And that I become weak by mind
And a retard by heart
He received by retention
And forgot with a less assimilation
Propelled by self egocentrism
And I in pursuit of morality
And lost in a sense of self-altruism
The error of ours that glares in the dark
And I see a flagrant violation of my intentions
And that this amplification
Elaborated and intricated the false beliefs of mine
Marked by a complex understanding of small things
And a need of re-refinement of old beliefs and hopes
Each time we concealed out guilt