Mrs Swetha Pai
My dear children you are so caught up in life and forget to enjoy the small things in life.Take stress for the wrong reasons and take dramatic steps to solve it. My suggestion is all other factors in life will work out if your mental health is in check. I’m going to give you basic indicators to watch out for if your mental health is not balanced. Then you should seek help.
1.) Your concentration is not proper in class or during normal daily routines. 2.) Irritability and mood swings and out bursts with close ones and authorities.
3.) Feelings of sadness and hopelessness and worthless
4.) Social withdrawal-keeping away from friends,family and relatives.
5.)Change in sleep cycle and eating habits.
6.) Thoughts that there is no solution and want to take major steps. Please remember these are some of the basic indicators but always be free to talk about your emotions. Keep the channel of communication open. There is a need to acknowledge emotional well being is crucial for development and survival.