Swara Joshi
I believe in dance. Dance as magic, as therapy, and as a life metaphor. There is a lot more to dancing than tapping your feet to the music and swaying your body. Hip movements and hand movements alone are not sufficient to convey something. It is a way to express yourself, both to others and to yourself. With each move you make while “dancing it out,” you are letting go of tension and anxiety in addition to rage and anger. Endorphins, the feel-good hormones that help us feel calm, relaxed, and joyful, are released in our brains by dancing. When we are unable to convey our feelings orally, we use this method. People dance for a variety of reasons; some dance for enjoyment, some for mental stability, some for physical fitness, and some may use dancing as a platform to reveal their true selves to the world. Dancing may present us with opportunities and help us remember our great experiences. In addition to connecting people and allowing new types of creativity, dance is a wonderful method for letting go of the worries and stress of daily life. So, when the body feels good, the mind does too!