Padmaja Chavan
12 B

Unveiling the darkness over the concealed confessions

ÀThose which struggle inside panicked resolutions

And through a way in silence

Do they head towards abeyance?

Not that they are provisionally ceased

But permanently are abjured.

The dainty of their youth

Amplified by fanaticism

And debacle of their adage

Embellished by scarlet flamboyance

Was it their fault or failure?

Had they submitted or have already lost

Or was it the last forlorn attempt

Or did the course deviate

Or did the Zephyr cool the lake?

Not so well versed with the laws of world

Crossed had they the pond; thinks but the sea

The withered arms of confession

Wince while in thoughts

And that they -Still

Genuflect before self-esteem…

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