Diya Kithani
How do we really live our life?
Do we go to a hill on a hike,
Or do we hit the empty roads on a bike?
Open the car windows and dance our fingers with the air,
Or do the wildest dare possible without having to care?
Eat a pint of ice cream without a worry of being fat?
Or Be the bigger person and text the people we miss, y’know?
Have a good chat.
Cut our hair short,
Play a new sport,
Speak up for what’s right,
Connect and vocalise!
Exploring new things,
And giving ourselves time,
Hmm, also realising not all poems have to rhyme!
You are awaiting unending experiences!
Take chances.
Perhaps living our lives to the fullest is living it however you want.
Be it knitting a sweater or be it going on an adventure,
You choose your pathway to happiness.
As long as you’re happy,
Does anything else really matter?
Doing experiments with things that are in your control.
Worrying less and being on a roll,
Ah, carefree life, what a gem!