Girl Love Challenge

Tejashree Sonawane

Hello everyone. Its Tejashree here. During the last few days I have been thinking about something. I felt that it was worthy of spreading the idea. The idea that was wandering in my mind was the Girl Love Challenge. I bet that many of you might not be aware of this and I understand because I know that not everyone decides to fiddle about on the internet …(Read More)

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 2 comments

Soccer, Cobbling and Society

Trishit Banerjee

Soccer, Cobbling and Society: A Lesson in Vocation Ryuji Sueoka was not a name that I heard of until I picked up yesterday’s Times of India. On the last page he could be seen smiling for all the right reasons.Yet, I found something very interesting that led me to a day-long research on some of the lesser reported issues and policies in the dailies. Ryuji Sueoka went to a cobbling school after he returned to Japan. How often do we …(Read More)

posted in Alumni by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Gandhari-The Birding Paradise of Kalyan

Ashish Khadakban
Science teacher

What are your plans for mornings on holidays????  Sleeping till 9am, reading newspaper…….  I have some better plans for you which will take you little a bit more closer towards nature.  Most of Kalyan’s residents would be aware of a place called “GANDHARI RIVER”. Gandhari is the area located ahead of Agarwal College. Ahead of Gandhari bridge there is a forest area which is a dwelling place to most of the birds and reptiles. Yes you read correctly….. Birds and Reptiles!!!!!! Now can you make a list of how many different species of birds and reptiles you see commonly in your day to day life??? 6…8…10…. Or max to max 15!!!! 
You will be amazed to know that more than 70-80 species of birds and 15-20 species of reptiles (which includes snakes, lizard and scorpions) dwell in Gandhari area. (Read More)

posted in Teacher by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 1 comments

Finding your role model

Trishit Banerjee
May 18, 2017 Japan

It is important for each one of us to understand that not all heroes wear a cape. There is hardly any possibility of seeing your Prince Charming riding a white horse and jump out of a Disney Princess movie or meeting the perfect person in your lifetime. All of this are merely goals of human dream and ambition. It sounds too good to believe that any of the above would ever come true. And just like Ying and Yang, there is no absolute black or white. It took me 19 years to realise everything that I wrote until now. “Dr. Kiran Bedi should be someone who you should aspire to be. She broke down the walls of challenges in our society and etched her …(Read More)

posted in Alumni by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 6 comments

My Summer Vacation Plans

Anushka Dubey

My plans for the summer vacations Vacation,in my opinion,is a time to enhance our skills and indulge ourselves into something productive. People most often ask me about my plans for the vacation. I don’t actually have any specific plan but I would like to do the things that grab my attention. My very first priority is of course the homework which we have got but for the rest of the time I have some other plans. First of all, I am bibliophile and I would like to read more and more books this …(Read More)

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

My Summer Vacation Plans

Shantanu N. Choudhury

How I Plan To Spend My Summer Vacations It’s quite late for a vacation to start unlike the past vacations in school. I don’t have a plan to spend my vacations but I will surely spend 3 quarters of it on my academics. It might not sound lively but that’s the truth. I will first start off by completing my vacation work (or vacation homework to be specific) then take rest for 2 days, that’s my birthday(12 May) and the next day. Then I think I would spend the entire day studying (I really hate being the odd one out but there might be one or two out there who are on my side)….(Read More)

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 1 comments

My Summer Vacation Plans

Amrit Jangra

What am I going to do during the holidays? This is the most difficult question for most of the children except me. My hobby is reading and I love to write poetry. All I would do is eat, sleep, read and repeat. This would get me on cloud nine! I would also study a bit and would do all the things that I won’t be able to do when the school starts. I want to …(Read More)

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 2 comments

My Summer Vacation Plans

Manya Hegde

Hi everyone! Manya here .It’s vacation time, and like every year this year also I have planned to do something new. Like every summer vacation, this year also I have planned to spend it with my grandmother, mom, aunt, uncle and sister. I will be going to Bangalore, my favourite place because of its pleasant weather and also because it is the place where my relatives stay. I’m also very excited because I will be meeting my elder sister. Hope you all also have found something interesting to do; we can always share our ideas. Happy vacations!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 1 comments

Geographic information system (GIS)

Anil Patil

A geographic information system (GIS) is a computer system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to positions on Earth’s surface. GIS can show many different kinds of data on one map. This enables people to more easily see, analyze, and understand patterns and relationships. …(Read More)

posted in Teacher by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 2 comments


Anushka Dubey
8th – B

DREAMS!What are they? Are they what we want or are they deep desires and endeavours? We may also term them as our longings. People also consider the imaginative and vivid sleeps as dreams. But as the great Ex-president of our country, Dr A.P.J Abdul Kalam once said “Dreams are not what you see in sleep but are what don’t let us sleep!” Dreams are actually what we desire and our …(Read More)

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 2 comments