Flying high

Aarya Vishal Pawar

Flying high, In the sky, Racing with clouds, There’s no one to crowd. I love the peace, That I think is never going to cease. But is this true? The sky in blue, The clouds in queue. Am I dreaming? I see something coming. Oh! Is this my mom? There’s something wrong. I bet, I’m not awake yet. To meet the sky, I’ll surely try!!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

My Ruby Ring

Liza Dond

My Ruby Ring

AS I hear the birds Singing,
MY alarm ringing,
In my head, Laying on my bed I think,
Why did my mother give me this ruby ring?
Sitting in my room, on my reclining chair,
Holding the heirloom, while playing with my hair think to myself, in despair,
Why did my grandmother choose my mother as the heir?
To be honest, I’m not the best, At handling things,
Like beautiful Ruby Rings!
For the last time, think,
Why did my mother give me this precious thing? until ask her, Ask her, for an answer
For her response to be “It’s because I love you, my baby!”

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Why prefer books over movies?

Aadi Patankar

Why prefer books over movies?

Books and movies are one of the most popular forms of entertainment that have captivated audiences for decades. However, when it comes to choosing between the two, there are compelling and thought-provoking reasons why books are a better option than movies. While movies may offer stunning visuals and a captivating storyline, books offer a more immersive and profound experience that is unparalleled in the world of entertainment. Throughout the period, we shall understand and explore the reasons for preferring a book over a movie. Happy Reading!!! To start with, books offer a more immersive experience than movies. While reading a book, readers can enter the world created by the author and imagine the characters and settings in their own unique way and can interpret with accordance to his creativity and circumstances. On the contrary, movies offer a passive experience, where viewers are limited to the director’s vision of the story. Books, therefore, allow readers to exercise their imagination and creativity, making the reading experience a more personal one and interesting one. In addition to it, books provide more detail and depth than movies. A typical movie has a runtime of two to three hours, while a book can take days or even weeks to read. This additional time permits the author to explain his character and storyline from a well detailed perspective. By digging deeper into the world of the story, readers can form a stronger connection with the characters and become more invested in their journey. Plus, books offer the ability to learn and grow. Books are not just a form of entertainment, but they also provide readers with an opportunity to learn new information and broaden their horizons. Movies weaken the watcher’s creative and imaginative strength by not letting him anticipate the way the books do. Reading books expands your knowledge, enhances your vocabulary, helps you develop critical and out of the box thinking skills. Movies, on the other hand, are often focused on providing entertainment, however they may offer some educational value, they are usually confined to a particular set of subjects. Book allows you to read it at your own pace, while movies does not. This offers a free hand for the reader to be mesmerized in the story. Moreover, he/she can take considerable breaks and come back to it later. Well, J.K Rowling has rightly quoted, “If you don’t like to read, you haven’t found the right book.” In a nutshell, while movies offer visually stunning and entertaining experiences, books provide a more profound and enriching experience that is unparalleled. The immersive experience, greater depth and detail, ability to learn and grow, and flexible reading experience all make books a superior choice over movies. So, next time you are looking for a remarkable story, reach for a book and let your imagination run wild. Thank You!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

My Future Awaits

Aadi Patankar

I have written this imagining myself as the student of Class 10 and speaking this on the account of our farewell. Happy Reading… Dear friends, students, and teachers. I come before you with great and strong emotions. These emotions include sadness, pride, affection, and respect. As this will be the last time, I’ll be addressing you in the fashion. I assume that we have great memories associated with this institution. And anticipate that we’ll be carrying these within our hearts. While dwelling on the Reminiscences, I could feel the teachers shouting at us for going out of the order, encouraging us to not repeat our mistakes, and prefects helping in keeping us in a queue. Who, never the excitement getting in our souls just a minute before the recess. I’d recollect the way we pigged on each other’s tiffin. Of course, each of us did. These excitements are simply unmatchable and unforgettable. I would recall the first day I stepped into this temple, where there were just a few divisions and a handful of students. But over the years, it has grown up to 7 divisions and still counting. We would also remember our best friends that we usually change in different ages. There’s a belief.. That you all must agree, School Friends are unforgettable. So, on the account of this special day. Let us take an oath to stay in touch with them. An important chapter is coming to an end. However, a whole book is waiting for us. Let us not disagree and make deaf ears when it comes to talking about our futures. Certainly, it will be an unsettling experience for each one of us. The future is not something we should procrastinate but gladly embrace with. I don’t know what the future holds for us. This is a question that no one can answer. Hopefully, our school’s experience and learning will come to our rescue. Furthermore, I am sure the values of our school have filled us with so much confidence that we can readily take on any challenge. Moreover, I express my sincere and greatest gratitude towards my teachers who have shaped us in such a way that we can take up challenges in the future. In addition to it, the knowledge that they have imparted to us is the greatest weapon for the life ahead. Respected Teachers, You occupy the greatest status in my life. Dear Folks, Today I, Aadi Patankar, seek your blessing for our future endeavors. Thank You!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments


Liza Dond


Redemption: Saving someone from evil. But can you save yourself? Think, who is the first person that pops up in your mind after you hear the word, “Redemption”? Is it your mother, father, God, or yourself? Yes, you heard me dandy, and right! Yourself! Possessing enough selfcontrol to walk, talk and do certain activities is an essential thing, but possessing enough self-control to stop your temptations to do something evil is amazing! But, did you do it unknowingly? Section 1: Redemption, can you save yourself? Your parents, or somebody else who truly is concerned about you, have probably tried to stop you from doing something substandard but, have you ever done it yourself? You feel guilty when you know that you’re doing something wrong yet still do it. Maybe, stealing a bar of mere chocolate? Or, doing something even worse? Backbiting? Hurting someone’s feelings? Aren’t those all evil? You must have done it for a reason, or perhaps, unknowingly? I know I’m asking a crud-ton of questions, but aren’t I correct? The mere amount of self-control could’ve prevented the scolding you received after stealing that chocolate, right? But, why is saving yourself even important in the first place? There are 2 people in an argument, the provoker and the provoked. Maybe the provoker said something offensive, knowingly or unknowingly. Couldn’t anyone around the provoker, for example, the provoked, stop the provoker from committing the act, but how could they know what the provoker was going to say? That is exactly why saving yourself is important! Who, other than the provoker knew what they were going to say? A mere amount of self-control could’ve prevented getting another enemy in your life. Section 2: Forgiveness, is it related to Redemption? As there are many sides to an argument, there are also many sides to Redemption. One of them is “forgiveness”. Being betrayed is something nobody should go through. Vengeance is an amazing self-esteem boost. But, stopping yourself from taking revenge is better. You get this sense of happiness because you know you did something good. That something good is, forgiving. Forgiveness is an amazing thing to do, it mends relationships and makes new ones as well. So, why not consider forgiveness? If you’re wondering how forgiveness is an aspect of redemption, I’m getting to it right away! Saving someone from evil is what redemption means, and since today’s topic is Redemption: Can you save yourself, forgiving someone means saving yourself from taking revenge. Usually, revenge includes hurting others’ feelings, which means doing the same thing the person who hurt you has done. This action of, “revenge” ultimately makes you the bad guy in the situation. Whereas, if you forgive someone, causing an act of the infamous topic, Redemption: Can you save yourself? My name is Liza, and I’ll be signing off now!

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Swara Joshi


I believe in dance. Dance as magic, as therapy, and as a life metaphor. There is a lot more to dancing than tapping your feet to the music and swaying your body. Hip movements and hand movements alone are not sufficient to convey something. It is a way to express yourself, both to others and to yourself. With each move you make while “dancing it out,” you are letting go of tension and anxiety in addition to rage and anger. Endorphins, the feel-good hormones that help us feel calm, relaxed, and joyful, are released in our brains by dancing. When we are unable to convey our feelings orally, we use this method. People dance for a variety of reasons; some dance for enjoyment, some for mental stability, some for physical fitness, and some may use dancing as a platform to reveal their true selves to the world. Dancing may present us with opportunities and help us remember our great experiences. In addition to connecting people and allowing new types of creativity, dance is a wonderful method for letting go of the worries and stress of daily life. So, when the body feels good, the mind does too! 

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The winter dew amazes me

Janhavi Patil

The winter dew amazes me
Can seem annoying to some
The cold wind hits your face,
To the quilts you race
In the foggy darkness
Your mind walks through thoughts,
Thoughts you’d rather run from
Humming along the lines of ignorance,
Truly happy to sing along.
But to me, this all sounds so wrong
For the freezing winds freeze all my minds dialogues.
The winter wonders are baffling,
For when I stand perplexed, the gust of wind wakes me up,
All my problems freeze,
It’s me that it frees.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

We pretend to understand each other

Janhavi Patil

We pretend to understand each other
But like a chameleon
We change colour
To change personality
Is a human tendency
So why not show a little sensitivity

For it is not a weakness
Make it an asset
Thinking with emotion
Showing sensitivity-
Make it a notion

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Unpopular Opinion

Bhagyashree Jagiasi

Unpopular opinion: Self-awareness is overrated This generation is possibly the most self aware amongst all the generations. And as we know, the easy and constant exposure to the internet highlights the importance of being self – aware and “knowing ourselves”. And,well, being self-aware isn’t a bad thing in itself, it sure can be a huge task to get things done if we are stopped by someone who is supposedly supposed to help us! That’s right, I’m talking about ourselves, our awareness of ourselves proves to be extremely useful in some situations and useless (probably not completely) in others. Being self- aware and “knowing yourself” is the internet’s new hot topic. The Internet’s full of articles on how to “know yourself” how to become more self aware and stuff but when did not knowing yourself become a problem? Now, I’m certainly not trying to imply that being self aware is a bad thing in itself, but too much of it is just as harmful as not being self aware. Being self aware is double-edged. In an attempt to make ourselves better people, we constantly criticize ourselves and in turn get nothing done. If we are too self-aware, as students, we get NOTHING done because we live in constant fear of disappointing ourselves and those around us. At times, we should just do things. For instance there’s this amazing opportunity of taking part in a speaking competition, why should we not take part in it because of the fear of failing or messing up? Being too self aware makes us miss out on even bigger opportunities. Self- awareness is one of the important aspects of self-help. True self help isn’t done in order to become something instead to connect with reality as it is.

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Realities Of The World

Rashi Punjabi

Realities Of The World

Discrimination. This world itself can ruin a person’s  life.

Why are some people treated like kings and queens but others are expected to be their slaves ?

 We do live in a democracy but our minds are  still in monarchy .
Whether we agree or not we all help in this discrimination.

Who are these people to judge us by our race,colour,gender or caste. They expect us to tolerate everything but if we do react, we are sensitive?

Racism and discrimination can spoil lives without violence its like a slow poison it is so quite and subtle . Everyone including the government promotes Racism.
Why do all these government forms need to know the caste of people?
If a person goes to buy a house just because of race or caste they are not allowed?

Why is this happening? Aren’t we all equal don’t we deserve equal treatment?The bitter truth is its not our differences that divide us its our inability to reconginise , accept and celebrate those differences

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