Disha S. Gaikwad
9 – E


Lets not blame others for the results of our own mistakes.
Rather correct them.
Accept that its all done because of you,
because when you blame others and think yourself as always right,
you will never learn from your mistakes.
Never pretend to be right the every time a mistake happens from you.
Everyone have something good and something bad.
Just ignore your past and think of a better you.
Its the time to understand, learn, accept what you are, improve.
You will surely make a great future.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Stop it guys!?

Angel Keswani
9 – E

Stop it guys!?

Stop it please You are a teen now
Stop those laughing on failures
Stop teasing the powerless ones
Stop laughing on slow learners
Let them grow up
Let them not give up
Let them come up
And not always be in a corner
Skills they have You cant even think of
Passion they carry You cant even carry that out
You show your stupidity
They show their talents
Let them grow with you
Let them be shining stars
Remember guys
Failures sometimes turns to the best achievers in life.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 1 comments


Angel Keswani
9 – E


Happens between two But millions are killed
Winner gets something But they loose everything
Blood on the motherland Warm ups like lava
When fought for her Fighters get mixed into her soul
They get what they thought of But they loose someone very special
They died for their country May they get place in heaven
They might be not perfect But they were not selfish
They fought for the country For peace and protection
And not for the selfishness Like those of terror makers.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments


Disha S. Gaikwad
9 – E


You see its bad side,
Ignoring its good;
Wasting it ,blaming it;
instead of loving, respecting it.
It gives you moments;
by giving you memories;
whether worth remembering or not,
is surely in your hands;
cause you are the ones who can make yourself smile;
in the every second.
What you see; what you do;
Even what you blame it,
Is all because of it.
You know what it is,
just you should know its magic;
To have a perfect answer of that every question that arises because of it…..

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments


Shahuli Taksande
9 – C

4 letter and 100s of emotions
She has her dreams, Don’t teach her
She has her beauty Don’t show her
She has the strength Don’t tell her
She is noticed Unnotice her
She has pain Don’t let her scream
She has respect And Your responsibility is to respect her.
Not with wrong intension but to tell the world that she can do everything but it is the world who stops her from doing so.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 1 comments

How we can protect Platypus (endangered species)

Vedant Futane
8 – A

How we can protect Platypus (endangered species)

Hello,today I Vedant Futane am going to tell you about how we can protect platypus (endangered species). One of the main reason behind these situation is littering it gets stuck in their legs hence causing damage. so, littering in ponds should be stopped. .Secondly illegal fishing should be stopped. . Also pets should not be allowed near such ponds as they may attack platypus. . Platypus ponds should be converted to biosphere reserve to prevent thier predators from attacking them.

Thank You

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Conservation of the Blue Whale

Aditya Raka
8 – A

Conservation of the Blue Whale

I am writing this blog to make all of them aware about the conservation of the blue whale.This is because it is our duty to conserve animals.we can follow few measures to protect them that are as follows:
1) We should take measures to protect the surrounding from global warming.So, less glaciers melt.
2) The water should be non polluted.
3) Government should build a shelter high above from where tourist people can see the blue whale instead of moving in a ship around the spot where blue whale can be seen,saving space for them to live.
4) We can encourage water guards patrolling at particular timings.
5) They should protect the eggs until they hatch then they should leave them in the water.

These are the five measures i think is very much important to conserve the blue whales.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Conservation Of Species

Sumith Ratnapurkar
7 – C

Conservation Of Species

As a part of our ISA Activity, Conservation Of Species, we have made the following Action Plan for The Mountain Gorilla , which is the World’s Rarest Gorilla:
1. Donate to Conservation Organization working to protect Mountain Gorillas.
2. Putting to an end Poaching and illegal trade of Gorillas or their products.
3. Increasing support for Gorilla Conservation among both , Local and International Communities.
4. Improving Gorilla’s Habitat Protection and Corridor Development.
5. Development of National strategies for Gorilla Conservation.
6. Well-trained Vets to give care to Gorillas in the wild.
7. Development of National Strategies.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments


Arijit Swaminathan
8 – E


The Blue Crane (Grus paradisea), also known as the Stanley crane and the paradise crane, is the national bird of South Africa. The species is listed as Vulnerable by the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature). While it remains common in parts of its historic range, and approx. 26 000 individuals remain, it began a sudden population decline from around 1980 and is now classified as vulnerable. In the last two decades, the blue crane has largely disappeared from the Eastern Cape, Lesotho, and Swaziland. The population in the northern Free State, Limpopo, North West Province has declined by up to 90%. The majority of the remaining population is in eastern and southern South Africa, with a small and separate population in the Etosha Pan of northern Namibia. Occasionally, isolated breeding pairs are found in five neighbouring countries. The primary causes of the sudden decline of the blue crane are human population growth, the conversion of grasslands into commercial tree plantations, and poisoning: deliberate or accidental. Action Plan for Conservation of Blue Crane
1. There should be a campaign arranged in order to spread awareness about the decline of blue crane.
2. We should tell the government to implement a conservation plan for the blue crane
3. There should be a ceremony or a function to pay respect to the blue crane as it is the (National Bird of South Africa)
4. They should not be poisoned directly or indirectly.
5. As the human population is growing due to which people are converting the lands into buildings. The blue cranes are having problems to live. So, in order to let them live, before any construction the government and builders should see if there is any animal suffering due to the construction and then only the permission should be granted.
6. And the most important point is people should understand the blue crane’s behavior and needs accordingly and then provide it a suitable and happy environment.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Cape Vulture

Paritosh Singh
8 – E

This is my blog on Cape vulture for the ISA activity. Vultures are nature’s most successful scavengers and play a vital role in our ecosystem by cleaning up dead carcasses. They are uniquely adapted to a scavenging lifestyle. Presently 61% vulture species are threatened with extinction. Cape vulture is one of these species which is on a verge of extinction. The main reason for this is poisoning of food. Humans misunderstand these birds and often poison them. Vultures are also hunted by poachers on a large scale. Many vultures get killed every year due to collisions with wind turbines. Declining of food sources and habitat due to deforestation and urbanisation is another reason for their threatening. Now is the time to do something, to take measures to save them or later we will have to suffer a lot. Some of the measures to help conserve them are – .Breeding sites should be better protected from disturbance. .The provision of providing poison-free food and bone fragments to these birds adopted by many restaurants should be spread. .Hunting should be banned and illegal poaching should be checked. .The most important actions are awareness and educating programmes in rural areas.

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments