Why isn’t it so easy??

Disha S. Gaikwad
9 – E

Why isn’t it so easy??

Its such along way to go crossing mountains one after the other and the deep valleys,
going beyond it to explore the beauty of success
Oh god!! so nice it would be the deep valleys,
lofty mountains vanish forever into the open sky leaving back just clear visible paths and feelings of strong hope
Why won’t it be so easy?
Why would we need a rope to walk down valleys and a hiking kit to make it easier a bit?
Why is it so, God!??

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Never stop???..!

Angel Keswani
9 – E

Never stop???..!

As a tree you should be
Stay strong and with bees
No tsunami and no freeze could tease
Be bold like a lady
Be calm like leaves Don’t take it on heart and make it beat fast Let your focus be on passion
And never let it drop You will be hard as rock
And be at the top Rather than chasing the fog
Chase the bows
And sparkle with raindrops??!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Are you?

Angel Keswani
9 – E

Are you?

Are you one of those who still cry for a silly guy?
Are you one of those who still remember those fake friends?
Are you one of those who still cry at night?
Are you? No right?
Grow up my lady
And show them the actual world
With you in the blazers Trying to get the promotions
Not stopped by any And you are proud of many!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Proud to be…!

Angel Keswani
9 – E

Proud to be…!

Proud to be a girl who can rule the group
Proud to be a women who can give life
Proud to be a lady Who can give jobs
Proud to be a wife who can support her man
Proud to be a mom who can teach her son Proud to be a grandmother who can teach her grandsons
Proud to be a girl who have the power to rule the world
Proud to be a lady with class

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments


Shahuli Taksande
9 – C


It beats every time we breathe,
It tries to heal when it is broken,
It divides when it is worth,
It tries to be big when it is small,
It deals with every pain,
It overcomes every obstacle,
It makes itself weak as emotions arises,
It handles every feelings,
It has narrow valleys which brings out tears,
It helps bring smile when tears flow.
Heartbeat handles every situation
so it is our life
And keeps us alive

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

The Bush

Disha S. Gaikwad
9 – E

The Bush

Walk along,
be a bush and stay strong as hard as a bark.
Ripen fruits as you go, sweet and delicious,
With flowers and bees- singing with sounds, melodious.
Good to get some travelers,
too tired to walk along,
relax themselves below you.
Get some monkeys,
hanging over the branches,
enjoying the fruits.
You give life by giving your own medicines,
You give us beautiful homes sacrificing your lives.
Your flowers sparkle,
inspiring people.
Though some of your fruits are bitter;
for the hungry ones,
they are more than better.
You do all this,
say the fellow humans,
who themselves don’t know,
that they can learn much from you

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments


Disha S. Gaikwad
9 – E


We don’t know, where we wanna go,
just flap our wings,
to give ourselves an unknown flow.
No destination, just habitation,
to save our species from being dead.
We take months to make the combs,
to give birth, to the young ones.
Trespassers have nothing to do,
whenever they see these little combs,
they just like to throw some stones.
We don’t know, how it creates, joy to them.
Just think of us, try to be in our shoes,
to lose our little ones and the shelter,
made with full of our efforts

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Let it Snow

Disha S. Gaikwad
9 – E

Let it Snow

It leaves the clouds above
its free to be in its form
Slowly,softly into the air
in its own thoughts.
It usually rests on land else,
a little boy playing takes it on his hand
and there it disappears nowhere.
So delicate, so beautiful,
but has to end,
on land or on hand,
none lives more than an extent,
tells us the snow;
everything that you have is now!!
Let it snow, you live your now!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Kindness Is Weakness!

Shahuli T
9 – C

Kindness Is Weakness!

Don’t let people know what is your weakness, Or they will focus on it, Making you do the same thing,
You will be a loser, Even if it is so, Make losing a point of success.
Don’t be kind, This big sphere looks so smooth,
But nobody knows the truth,
It is full with mountains all over your way,
It will lift you up with success
And throw you down with No solutions.
You will become unstable,
Finding your way,
You will never get to success,
Because Kindness is Weakness!

posted in Student by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments

Response Vs. Reaction

Girish Nagpal
Parent of Mishika Nagpal (Sr. KG. – C)

Response Vs. Reaction

It is commonly learned and well-established nature’s law “The Seed we Sow is the Plant we get”. On the same lines our Blooming Buds our Kids are, time and generation are such wherein our kids are super active and smart enough to deal with, wherein we have to think countless number of times the Do’s and Don’ts before our kids. One such aspect is Responding Vs. Reacting. Some of us would think there ain’t any difference between the both but factually there is huge difference between the both it’s like two sides of the same coin. There are always different ways of looking at or dealing with the same situation in which reacting IN a situation or Responding OVER a situation plays a crucial role. Reactions are always Instant & never thought of, whereas Responses are always well thought off and comes from a subtle & peaceful mind. Reactions most of are taken in a negative way whereas Responses are taken positively and with peace. So here comes an important behavioral check which wherein we as parents need to follow towards our kid, in every situation we need to practice the “Stop & Check” approach whether to Respond or React, which is situation and circumstance oriented which is again in our hand whether to make it or spoil it. Pareto Principle (also known as the 80/20 rule) applies to varied areas which plays an important role in our daily routine and life, one such area for parents is our ‘behavior / attitude’, like 20% of the choice of Reaction or Responses decides the 80% of the its effects i.e. outcome or we can say after effects of those choice of Reaction or Responses in our behavior / attitude. So, in a nutshell we need to make a proper choice under all situation and circumstance which should be more of Response then Reaction which is always in favor and help our Blooming Buds our Kids.

posted in Parent by B.K. Birla Public School, Kalyan with 0 comments